Knowledge Graph Algorithms

Published: 08 Jun 2016 Category: Algorithms

Knowledge Graph Algorithms

Knowledge Graph Algorithms



  • In curated approaches, triples are created manually by a closed group of experts.
  • In collaborative approaches, triples are created manually by an open group of volunteers.
  • In automated semi-structured approaches, triples are extracted automatically from semi-structured text (e.g., infoboxes in Wikipedia) via hand-crafted rules, learned rules, or regular expressions.
  • In automated unstructured approaches, triples are extracted automatically from unstructured text via machine learning and natural language processing techniques.



Statistical relational learning for knowledge graphs


We model each possible triple xijk = (ei,rk,ej) over this set of entities and relations as a binary random variable yijk that indicates its existence.


Tensor representation of binary relational data is as follows.


语义角色标注(Semantic Role Labeling)的关键问题是如何在海量稀疏数据中高效的挖掘出可能的关系。

An important issue for SRL on knowledge graphs is how to deal with the large number of possible relationships while efficiently exploiting the sparsity of relationships.


Knowledge graphs typically adhere to some deterministic rules, such as type constraints and transitivity and have typically also various "softer" statistical patterns or regularities, which are not universally true but nevertheless have useful predictive power.


  • Homophily: the tendency of entities to be related to other entities with similar characteristics.
  • Block structure: entities can be divided into distinct groups (blocks), such that all the members of a group have similar relationships to members of other groups.
  • Global and long-range statistical dependencies: dependencies that can span over chains of triples and involve different types of relations.


  • Assume all yijk are conditionally independent given latent features associated with subject, object and relation type and additional parameters (latent feature models)
  • Assume all yijk are conditionally independent given observed graph features and additional parameters (graph feature models)
  • Assume all yijk have local interactions (Markov Random Fields)


The conditional independence assumptions of M1 and M2 allow the probability model to be written as follows:


\sigma is the sigmoid (logistic) function,


\Ber is the Bernoulli distribution.


基于概率模型,可以通过某些评价准则进行参数的优化,例如最大化已知关系和未知关系之间的间隔(margin),对应的模型也称为score-based models。

In addition to probabilistic models, f(.) can be optimized under other criteria, for instance models which maximize the margin between existing and non-existing triples, which is refer as score-based models.

Latent Feature Models



RESCAL: A bilinear model



RESCAL is a relational latent feature model which explains triples via pairwise interactions of latent features. In particular, we model the score of a triple xijk as




RESCAL is called a bilinear model, since it captures the interactions between the two entity vectors using multiplicative terms.


For instance, we could model that Alec Guinness is a good actor and that the Academy Award is a prestigious award via the vectors


we could model the pattern that good actors are likely to receive prestigious awards via a weight matrix such as


RESCAL的目标函数是最小化对数损失,可以采用梯度算法,例如stochastic gradient descent(类似的优化问题基本都可以采用SGD或ALS,最优化中的基本方法)。

The parameters of RESCAL can be estimated by minimizing the log-loss using gradient-based methods such as stochastic gradient descent.


A single update of E and Wk scales linearly with the number of entities Ne, linearly with the number of relations Nr, and linearly with the number of observed triples, i.e., the number of non-zero entries in Y, it is called algorithm RESCAL-ALS.

Other tensor factorization models

其他张量分解方法,例如CP decomposition(还有Tucker等一系列方法)。

Various other tensor factorization methods have been explored for learning from knowledge graphs and multi-relational data, including factorizing adjacency tensors using the CP tensor decomposition to analyze the link structure of Web pages and Semantic Web data respectively.

Matrix factorization methods


The adjacency tensor is reshaped into a matrix by associating rows with subject-object pairs and columns with relations, or into a matrix by associating rows with subjects and columns with relation/objects. Unfortunately, both of these formulations lose information compared to tensor factorization.

Multi-layer perceptrons





Multi-layer perceptrons allows us to consider alternative ways to create composite triple representations and to use nonlinear functions to predict their existence.




One disadvantage of the E-MLP is that it has to define a vector wk and a matrix Ak for every possible relation, and ER-MLP is defined as follows, C is independent of the relation k.




Visualization of RESCAL and the ER-MLP model as Neural Networks is as follows. Here, He = Hr = 3 and Ha = 3. Note, that the inputs are latent features.


Neural tensor networks

由于RESCAL和ER-MLP所采用的拟合项不用,容易想到把两个结合起来一起拟合,因此形成了Neural tensor networks模型。

We can combine traditional MLPs with bilinear models, resulting in what calls a "neural tensor network" (NTN). More precisely, we can define the NTN model as follows:

Neural tensor networks的表示如下。


Latent distance models


Latent distance models derive the probability of relationships from the distance between latent representations of entities: entities are likely to be in a relationship if their latent representations are close according to some distance measure.

其中主流的是structured embedding/SE模型。

The structured embedding (SE) model extends this idea to multi-relational data by modeling the score of a triple xijk as:




To reduce the number of parameters over the SE model, the TransE model translates the latent feature representations via a relation-specific offset instead of transforming them via matrix multiplications.



Following table summarizes the different models we have discussed. Clearly the best model will be dataset dependent.


Graph Feature Models


In graph feature models, we assume that the existence of an edge can be predicted by extracting features from the observed edges in the graph.

Similarity measures for uni-relational data


The intuition behind these methods is that similar entities are likely to be related (homophily) and that the similarity of entities can be derived from the neighborhood of nodes or from the existence of paths between nodes.


  • Local similarity indices such as Common Neighbors, the Adamic-Adar index or Preferential Attachment derive the similarity of entities from their number of common neighbors or their absolute number of neighbors. However, they can be too localized to capture important patterns in relational data and cannot model long-range or global dependencies.
  • Global similarity indices such as the Katz index and the Leicht-Holme-Newman index derive the similarity of entities from the ensemble of all paths between entities, while indices like Hitting Time, Commute Time, and PageRank derive the similarity of entities from random walks on the graph.
  • Quasi-local similarity indices like the Local Katz index or Local Random Walks try to balance predictive accuracy and computational complexity by deriving the similarity of entities from paths and random walks of bounded length.

Rule Mining and Inductive Logic Programming


This method extracts rules via mining methods and uses these extracted rules to infer new links.


  • ALEPH is an Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) system that attempts to learn rules from relational data via inverse entailment.
  • AMIE is a rule mining system that extracts logical rules based on their support in a knowledge graph.


Rule-based method is easily interpretable. However, rules over observed variables cover usually only a subset of patterns in knowledge graphs (or relational data) and useful rules can be challenging to learn.

Path Ranking Algorithm


We can compute the probability of following a path by assuming that at each step, we follow an outgoing link uniformly at random. The key idea in PRA is to use these path probabilities as features for predicting the probability of missing edges.





Combining latent and graph feature models


The strengths of latent and graph-based models are often complementary, as both families focus on different aspects of relational data:


  • Latent feature models are well-suited for modeling global relational patterns via newly introduced latent variables. They are computationally efficient if triples can be explained with a small number of latent variables.
  • Graph feature models are well-suited for modeling local and quasi-local graphs patterns. They are computationally efficient if triples can be explained from the neighborhood of entities or from short paths in the graph.

Additive relational effects model




ARE models can be trained by alternately optimizing the RESCAL parameters with the PRA parameters.

Other combined models



The term \Phi captures patterns efficiently where the existence of a triple y' is predictive of another triple y between the same pair of entities (but of a different relation type).


An alternative way to combine different prediction systems is to fit them separately, and use their outputs as inputs to another "fusion" system.


Stacking has the advantage that it is very flexible in the kinds of models that can be combined. However, it has the disadvantage that the individual models cannot cooperate, and thus any individual model needs to be more complex than in a combined model which is trained jointly.


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