Predicting Tense
Predicting Tense
Predicting Tense
Temporal relation resolution involves extraction of temporal information explicitly or implicitly embedded in a language.
Analyzing temporal structure of a discourse by taking into account the effects of tense, aspect, temporal adverbials and rhetorical relations (e.g. causation and elaboration) on temporal ordering.
Given a sentence describing two temporally related events, the temporal position words (including before, after and when, which serve as temporal connectives) and the tense/aspect markers of the second event are took into consideration. The proposed rule-based approach was simple; but it suffered from low coverage and was particularly ineffective when the interaction between the linguistic elements was unclear.
- Tense/Aspect in English is manifested by verb inflections.
- Temporal Connectives in English primarily involve conjunctions, e.g. after, before and when.
- Event Class is implicit in a sentence. Events can be classified according to their inherent temporal characteristics, such as the degree of telicity and/or atomicity.
论文"Applying Machine Learning to Chinese Temporal Relation Resolution"采用基于特征的机器学习算法对时间关系进行分类。
Linguistic features: eleven temporal indicators and one event class.
时间关系的确定等价为分类问题,该文中采用了两种分类器Probabilistic Decision Tree Classifier和Naïve Bayesian Classifier,然后对结果采用协同提升技术提高准确率。
Model the thirteen relative temporal relations as the classes to be decided by a classifier. Train two classifiers, a Probabilistic Decision Tree Classifier (PDT) and a Naïve Bayesian Classifier (NBC) and combine the results by the Collaborative Bootstrapping (CB) technique.
论文"One Tense per Scene: Predicting Tense in Chinese Conversations"提出了一种将单句(local)的时间信息和整体(global)的时间信息同时考虑提高时态分类准确率的方法。
Propose a set of novel sentence-level (local) features using rich linguistic resources and then propose a new hypothesis of "One tense per scene" to incorporate scene-level (global) evidence to enhance the performance.
算法的核心基于条件随机场(CRF)算法,优化目标如下,其中第一项对应单句的似然(local likelihood),第二项对句间时态的频繁切换进行惩罚(global)。
The goal of this model is to output an optimal sequence t* = {t1, t2, ..., t*n} that minimizes the cost function defined as follows: