Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis

Published: 14 Jun 2016 Category: Notes

Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis

Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis

通常的情感分析只关注情感极性,而Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis是情感分析的精细化扩展,关注针对事物不同具体维度的情感分析。

With the proliferation of user-generated content, interest in mining sentiment and opinions in text has grown rapidly, both in academia and business. The majority of current approaches, however, attempt to detect the overall polarity of a sentence, paragraph, or text span, irrespective of the entities mentioned (e.g., laptops, battery, screen) and their attributes (e.g. price, design, quality).

Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis System

Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis的一种典型方法参见论文。


The input to the pipeline is a string of Chinese characters; the output is a set of relationships between evaluations and their targets. The main goal is to demonstrate how knowledge about sentence structure can increase the precision, insight value and granularity of the output.

分析过程主要包括两个步骤:单元识别(unit identification)和关系抽取(relation extraction)。

Formulate the task of sentiment analysis in two steps, namely unit identification and relation extraction.

The presented model is complemented by a probabilistic model which performs topic and polarity classification on the sentence and the document levels.


The basic assumption on which the model builds is that language follows rules. Chinese phrase structure is largely head-final (Huang 1982, Li 1990, i. a.): nominal modifiers precede their head nouns, whereas degree and negation adverbs normally precede the adjectives or verbs they modify. A small set of correspond- ing phrase-level rules achieves a high coverage.

The goal of aspect-based sentiment analysis is to derive the opinions of a speaker about an entity and its features.


Given an opinion statement on a specific product, translate the statement into a set of (f eature, < evaluation|emotion > ) pairs in two processing steps:



It has long been observed that many evaluation words come with implicit features; for example, the evaluation beautiful implicitly contains the feature VisualAppearance. In order to preserve this meaning, we adopt a scalar representation of evaluations (cf. Kennedy and McNally (2005) for a linguistic analysis of scalar expressions): evaluations are represented as pairs of a feature and a numerical value which "maps" the evaluation to some point on the feature scale [-3, 3].

The final mapping goes from sequences of features to numerical evaluations.




Lexical basis

Semantic categories are relevant for the interpretation of opinions. The top-level semantic categories are:


Processing steps


Use a phrase rule grammar which is based on regular expressions involving the POS tags of the words


In the following, present some of the most common phrase structures for features and evalu- ations/emotions.

Feature phrases


Evaluation and emotion chunks


Relation extraction

The causer relation. The causer relation is a fairly well-delimited relation which describes the causer of some state of event.


The theme relation. The theme relation is expressed differently for evaluations and emotions.



SemEval-2015 Task 12


SemEval包含范围有一定广度,其中包括了Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis问题、

SemEval-2015 Task 12: Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis

SemEval中针对Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis问题的描述如下。

In aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) the aim is to identify the aspects of entities and the sentiment expressed for each aspect. The ultimate goal is to be able to generate summaries listing all the aspects and their overall polarity such as the example shown in Fig.


In addition, SE-ABSA15 will include an out-of-domain ABSA subtask, involving test data from a domain unknown to the participants, other than the domains that will be considered during training. In particular, SE-ABSA15 consists of the following two subtasks.

SemEval中Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis包含两个子问题。

Subtask 1: In-domain ABSA

Given a review text about a laptop or a restaurant, identify the following types of information:

  • Slot 1: Aspect Category (Entity and Attribute). Identify every entity E and attribute A pair E#A towards which an opinion is expressed in the given text.
  • Slot 2 (Only for the restaurants domain): Opinion Target Expression (OTE). An opinion target expression (OTE) is an expression used in the given text to refer to the reviewed entity E of a pair E#A.
  • Slot 3: Sentiment Polarity. Each identified E#A pair of the given text has to be assigned a polarity, from a set P = {positive, negative, neutral}.

Subtask 2: Out-of-domain ABSA

The input for the participating systems will be reviews from a particular domain (e.g., laptop or restaurant reviews). Each system will be required to construct all the {E#A, P} tuples for the laptops domain and the {E#A, OTE, P} tuples for the restaurants domain.


SemEval中Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis问题所采用的数据集如下。

Two datasets of ~550 reviews of laptops and restaurants annotated with opinion tuples (as shown in Fig. 2) will be provided for training. Additional datasets will be provided to evaluate the participating systems in Subtask 1 (in-domain ABSA). Information about the domain adaptation dataset of Subtask 2 (out-of-domain ABSA) will be provided in advance.


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